Single Patron Ticket
Valid for 8 months
One (1) ticket to each major 2024/2025 RAPA performance
Charitable donation tax receipt for $50.00 CDN
Name listed in the programs
Name listed on the website
Best Value
Double Patron Tickets
Valid for 8 months
Two (2) tickets to the Fall 2024 RAPA performance
Two (2) tickets to the Spring 2025 RAPA performance
Charitable donation tax receipt for $50.00 CDN
Name listed in the program
Name listed on the website
Become a Patron!
Find one that works for you
Show Sponsor
Valid for one year
”Tonight’s Show Sponsor” sign at front of house for ONE show
2 tickets to that evening’s performance
Recognition and tagging in our social media posts
Thank you in pre-show speech
Gold Sponsor
Valid for one year
2 tickets per production
Your logo published in the fall & spring programs
Acknowledgement in the pre-show slideshow
Your logo/card on RAPA’s website
Recognition and tagging in our social media posts
Community Partner
Valid for 12 months
4 complimentary tickets to opening night of each play
Full page ad published in RAPA fall & spring program
Acknowledgement in the pre-show slideshow
Your logo/card on RAPA’s website
Recognition and tagging in our social media posts
Become a Sponsor!
RAPA is a non-profit organization that is eternally grateful for our community's support in delivering entertainment through the performing arts to Russell Township and our neighbours from around the National Capital Region. Our Sponsorship plans provide the opportunity for businesses to support the arts and our 2023/2024 shows are sure to entertain! If you would like to be a Sponsor, please read through the options below and use the button to the right to sign up! Once your order is in, we will contact by your email address used for payment to arrange for ticket delivery and to make arrangements to receive your logo and business information. If you have any questions, please contact us at!